Catholic encyclopedia


Fast: translation

Abstinence from food or drink

Catholic Encyclopedia.Kevin Knight.2006.

In general abstinence from food or drink, a term common to the various Teutonic tongues. Some derive the word from a root whose primary signification means to hold, to keep, to observe or to restrain one's self. The Latin termjejuniumdenotes an animal intestine which is always empty. Such abstinence varies according to the measure of restriction circumscribing the use of food and drink. Hence it may denote abstinence from all kinds of food and drink for a given period. Such is the nature of the fast prescribed by the Church before Holy Communion (natural fast). It may also mean such abstinence from food and drink as is dictated by the bodily or mental dispositions peculiar to each individual, and is then known as moral or philosophical fast. In like manner the term comprehends penitential practices common to various religious communities in the Church. Finally, in the strict acceptation of the term, fasting denotes abstinence from food, and as such is an act of temperance finding itsraison d'êtrein the dictates of natural law and its full perfection in the requirements of positive ecclesiastical legislation.
In Christian antiquity the Eustathians (Sozomen, Hist.Eccl. II, 33) denied the obligation, for the more perfect Christians, of the Church fasts; they were condemned (380) by the Synod of Gangra (can. xiv) which also asserted incidentally the traditional antiquity of the ecclesiastical fasts (Hefele-Leclercq, Hist. des Conciles. French tr. Paris, 1908, 1, p. 1041). Contrary to the groundless assertions of these sectaries, moralists are one in maintaining that a natural law inculcates the necessity of fasting because every rational creature is bound to labour intelligently for the subjugation of concupiscence. As a consequence, rational creatures are logically obliged to adopt means commensurate with the attainment of this end (see MORTIFICATION). Amongst the means naturally subserving this purpose fasting lays claim to a place of primary importance. The function of positive law is to intervene in designating days whereon this obligation must be observed, as well as the manner in which the same obligation is to be discharged on days authoritatively appointed.
What pertains to the origin as well as to the historical development of this obligation in the Church may be gleaned easily from the articles on ABSTINENCE and BLACK FAST. The law of fasting, ecclesiastical in its genius, is unwritten in its origin, and consequently must be understood and applied with due regard for the customs of various times and places. See the corresponding historico-archaeological articles in the various modern dictionaries and encyclopedias of Christian Archaeology, e.g. Martigny, Kraus, Smith and Cheetham, Cabrol and Leclercq. Details will be found under ADVENT; LENT; VIGIL; EMBER DAYS.
In the United States of America all the days of Lent; the Fridays of Advent (generally); the Ember Days; the vigils of Christmas and Pentecost, as well as those (14 Aug.) of the Assumption; (31 Oct.) of All Saints, are now fasting days. In Great Britain, Ireland, Australia and Canada, the days just indicated, together with the Wednesdays of Advent and (28 June) the vigil of Saints Peter and Paul, are fasting days. Fasting essentially consists in eating but one full meal in twenty-four hours and that about midday. It also implies the obligation of abstaining from flesh meat during the same period, unless legitimate authority grants permission to eat meat. The quantity of food allowed at this meal has never been made the subject of positive legislation. Whosoever therefore eats a hearty or sumptuous meal in order to bear the burden of fasting satisfies the obligation of fasting. Any excess during the meal mitigates against the virtue of temperance, without jeopardizing the obligation or fasting.
According to general usage, noon is the proper time for this meal. For good reasons this hour may be legitimately anticipated. Grievous sin is not committed even though this meal is taken a full hour before noon without sufficient reason, because the substance of fasting, which consists in taking but one full meal a day, is not imperiled. In like manner, the hour for the midday meal and the collation, may for good reasons be conscientiously inverted. In many of our larger cities this practice now prevails. According to D'Annibale (Summa Theologiae Moralis, 4 ed. III, 134) and Noldin (Summa Theologiae Moralis, n. 674) good reasons justify one in taking a collation in the morning, dinner at noon, and the morning allowance in the evening, because the substance of fasting still remains intact. Nothing like a noteworthy interruption should he admitted during the course of the midday meal, because such a break virtually forms two meals instead of one. Common sense, taking into consideration individual intention and the duration of the interruption, must finally determine whether a given interruption is noteworthy or not. Ordinarily an interruption of one half hour is considered slight. Nevertheless, an individual, after having commenced the midday meal and meeting with a bonafide interruption lasting for an hour or more is fully justified in resuming and finishing the meal after the termination of an interruption. Finally, unless special reasons suggest the contrary, it is not allowed to give immoderate length to the time of this meal. Ordinarily, a duration of more than two hours is considered immoderate in this matter.
Besides a complete meal, the Church now permits a collation usually taken in the evening. In considering this point proper allowance must be made for what custom has introduced regarding both the quantity and the quality of viands allowed at this repast. In the first place, about eight ounces of food are permitted at the collation even though this amount of food would fully satisfy the appetites of some persons. Moreover, the attention must be paid to each person's temperament, duties, length of fast, etc. Hence, much more food is allowed in cold than in warm climates, more to those working during the day than to those at ease, more to the weak and hungry than to the strong and well fed. As a general rule whatever is deemed necessary in order to enable people to give proper attention to their duties may be taken at the collation. Moreover, since custom first introduced the collation, the usage of each country must be considered in determining the quality of viands permitted thereat. In some places eggs, milk, butter, cheese and fish are prohibited, while bread, cake, fruit, herbs and vegetables are allowed. In other places, milk, eggs, cheese, butter and fish are permitted, owing either to custom or to Indult. This is the case in the United States. However, in order to form judgments perfectly safe concerning this point, the Lenten regulations of each diocese should be carefully read. Finally, a little tea, coffee, chocolate or such like beverage together with a morsel of bread or a cracker is now allowed in the morning. Strictly speaking, whatever may be classified under the head of liquids may be taken as drink or medicine at any time of the day or night on fasting days. Hence, water, lemonade, soda, water, ginger ale, wine, beer and similar drinks may be taken on fasting days outside meal time even though such beverages may, to some extent, prove nutritious. Coffee, tea, diluted chocolate, electuaries made of sugar, juniper berries, and citron may be taken on fasting days, outside meal time, as medicine by those who find them conducive to health. Honey, milk, soup, broth, oil or anything else having the nature of food, is not allowed under either of the two categories already specified. It is impossible to decide mathematically how much food is necessary to involve a serious violation of this law. Moralists as well as canonists concur in holding that an excess of four ounces would seriously militate against the obligation of fasting, whether that much food was consumed at once or at various intervals during the day because Alexander VII (18 March, 1666) condemned the teaching of those who claimed that food so taken was not to be regarded as equalling or exceeding the amount allowed (Denzinger, Enchiridion Symbolorum et Definitionum, tenth ed. Freiburg im Br., 1908, No. 1129).
Though Benedict XIV (Constitutions, Non Ambiginius, 31 May, 1741; in superna, 22 Aug. 1741) granted permission to eat meat on fasting days, he distinctly prohibited the use of fish and flesh at the same meal on all fasting days during the year as well as on Sundays during Lent. (Letter to the Archbishop of Compostella, 10 June, 1745, in Bucceroni Enchiridion Morale No. 147). This prohibition binds all exempted from fasting either because they are compelled to labour or because they are not twenty-one years old. Furthermore this prohibition extends to those allowed meat on fasting days either by dispensation or by Indult. Sin is Committed each time the prohibited action takes place.
The ecclesiatical law of fasting embodies a serious obligation on all baptized individuals capable of assuming obligations provided they have completed their twenty-first year and are not otherwise excused. This doctrine is merely a practical application of a universally accepted principle of moralists and canonists whereby the character of obligation in human legislation is deemed serious or light in so far as the material element, involved in the law bears or does not bear a close and intimate relation to the attainment of a prescribed end. Inasmuch as fasting considered as a function of the virtue of temperance bears such a relation to the promotion of man's spiritual well-being (see Lenten Preface in the Roman Missal), it certainly embodies an obligation generally serious. To thisa priorireason may be added what Church history unfolds concerning the grave penalties attached to transgressions of this law. The sixty-ninth of the Apostolic Canons decrees the degradation of bishops, priests, deacons ( see Deacons ), lectors or chanters failing to fast during Lent, and the excommunication of laymen, who fail in this way. The fifty-sixth canon of the Trullan Synod (692) contains similar regulations. Finally Alexander VII (24 Sept., 1665) condemned a proposition formulated in the following terms: Whoso violates the ecclesiastical law of fasting to which he is bound does not sin mortally unless he acts through contempt or disobedience (Denzinger, op. cit., no. 1123). Though this obligation is generally serious, not every infraction of the law is mortally sinful. Whenever transgressions of the law fail to do substantial violence to the law, venial sins are committed. Inability to keep the law of fasting and incompatibility of fasting with the duties of one's state in life suffice by their very nature, to extinguish the obligation because as often as the obligation of positive laws proves extremely burdensome or irksome the obligation is forthwith lifted. Hence, the sick, the infirm, convalescents, delicate women, persons sixty years old and over, families whose members cannot have the necessaries for a full meal at the same time, or who have nothing but bread, vegetables or such like viands, those to whom fasting brings loss of sleep or severe headaches, wives whose fasting incurs their husband's indignation, children whose fasting arouses parent's wrath; in a word, all those who can not comply with the obligation of fasting without undergoing more than ordinary hardship are excused on account of their inability to fulfil the obligation. In like manner unusual fatigue or bodily weakness experienced in discharging one duty and superinduced by fasting lifts the obligation of fasting. However, not every sort of labour, but only such as is hard and protracted excuses from the obligation of fasting. These two conditions are not confined to manual labour, but may be equally verified with regard to brain work. Hence bookkeepers, stenographers, telegraph operators, legal advisers and many others whose occupations are largely mental are entitled to exemption on this score, quite as well as day-labourers or tradesmen. When these causes begetting exemption by their very nature, do not exist, lawfully constituted superiors may dispense their subjects from the obligation of fasting. Accordingly the Sovereign Pontiff may always and everywhere grant valid dispensations from this obligation. His dispensations will be licit when sufficient reasons underlie the grant. In particular cases and for good reasons, bishops may grant dispensations in their respective dioceses. Unless empowered by Indult they are not at liberty to dispense all their subjects simultaneously. It is to be noted that usually bishops issue just before Lent circulars or pastorals, which are read to the faithful or otherwise made public, and in which they make known, on the authority of the Apostolic See, the actual status of obligahon, dispensations, etc. Priests charged with the care of souls may dispense individuals for good reason. Superiors of religious communities may dispense individual members of their respective communities provided sufficient reasons exist. Confessors are not qualified to grant these dispensations unless they have been explicitly delegated thereunto. They may, however, decide whether sufficient reason exists to lift the obligation.
Those who have permission from the Holy See to eat meat on prohibited days, may avail themselves of this concession at their full meal, not only on days of abstinence but also on fasting days. When age, infirmity or labour releases Christians from fasting, they are at liberty to to eat meat as often as they are justified in taking food, provided the use of meat is allowed by a general indult of their bishop (Sacred Penitentiaria, 16 Jan., 1834). Finally, the Holy See has repeatedly declared that the use of lard allowed by Indult comprehends butter or the fat of any animal.
No student of ecclesiatical discipline can fail to perceive that the obligation of fasting is rarely observed in its integrity nowadays. Conscious of the conditions of our age, the Church is ever shaping the requirements of this obligation to meet the best interests of her children. At the same time no measure of leniency in this respect can eliminate the natural and divine positive law imposing mortification and penance on man on account of sin and its consequences. (Council of Trent, Sess. VI. can. xx)
Transcribed by Joseph P. Thomas

The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VIII. — New York: Robert Appleton Company.Nihil Obstat.1910.

  1. fastмед.гл. голодать голодание быстрый быстро . воздержание от пищи . воздерживаться Англорусский медицинский словарь....Англо-русский медицинский словарь
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  11. fastfast bersetzung s. beinahe....Kleines deutsch-lateinisches Handworterbuch
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  16. ast[ast] der en en ampLTSuffix das sich mit fremdsprachigen nur gebunden vorkommenden Substantiven verbindetampGTkennzeichnet eine mnnliche Person in Bezug auf Beruf Ttigkei...Universal-Lexicon
  17. ast[ast] der en en ampLTSuffix das sich mit fremdsprachigen nur gebunden vorkommenden Substantiven verbindetampGTkennzeichnet eine mnnliche Person in Bezug auf Beruf Ttigkei...Universal-Lexicon
  18. astAst bersetzung verholzter Trieb Zweig Reiser Aststrong [ast] der [e]s ste [st]strkerer Zweig eines Baumesein dicker Ast das Eichhrnchen hpft von Ast zu Ast. ststrong ...Universal-Lexicon
  19. astAst bersetzung verholzter Trieb Zweig Reiser Aststrong [ast] der [e]s ste [st]strkerer Zweig eines Baumesein dicker Ast das Eichhrnchen hpft von Ast zu Ast. ststrong ...Universal-Lexicon
  20. astAst bersetzung verholzter Trieb Zweig Reiser Aststrong [ast] der [e]s ste [st]strkerer Zweig eines Baumesein dicker Ast das Eichhrnchen hpft von Ast zu Ast. ststrong ...Universal-Lexicon
  21. astAst bersetzung verholzter Trieb Zweig Reiser Aststrong [ast] der [e]s ste [st]strkerer Zweig eines Baumesein dicker Ast das Eichhrnchen hpft von Ast zu Ast. ststrong ...Universal-Lexicon
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  26. astатлантическое ньюйоркское поясное время...Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь
  27. fast[fst]постпоститься воздерживаться от скоромной пищиголодатькрепкий твердый стойкийбыстрый скорыйнеточный спешащийфривольный легкомысленный несерьезныйкрепко прочно сильно...Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь
  28. fastпервый твердый слой породы...Англо-русский геологический словарь
  29. astAtlantic Standard Time атлантическое ньюйоркское поясное время...Англо-русский дополнительный словарь
  30. fastпоститься голодать говеть закрепить быстро быстрый скорый прочный крепкий твердый стойкий закрепленный неточный фривольный легкомысленный крепко сильно прочно быстро част...Англо-русский дополнительный словарь
  31. fastadj. прочный...Англо-русский дорожно-транспортный словарь
  32. fastкрепжный элемент закреплнный фиксированный зафиксированный быстродействующий быстроходный быстрый устойчивый стабильный fast in operation быстродействующий...Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь
  33. fastШвартов...Англо-русский морской словарь
  34. fasttranscription транскрипция [ fst ]fast adj . infml He fell in with a fast crowd Он попал в довольно веселую компанию She runs around with a pretty fast bunch Она водит др...Англо-русский новый словарь современного неформального английского языка
  35. fastтвердый...Англо-русский онлайн словарь
  36. fastтвердый...Англо-русский онлайн словарь
  37. fastбыстрый стойкий причал...Англо-русский политехнический словарь
  38. fastбыстрый прочный голодание голодать...Англо-русский словарь биологических терминов
  39. astasynchronous system trap асинхронная системная ловушка...Англо-русский словарь компьютерных терминов
  40. fastFederation Against Software Theft Федерация по борьбе с программным пиратством...Англо-русский словарь компьютерных терминов
  41. fastбыстродействующий...Англо-русский словарь компьютерных терминов
  42. fastFast быстрый скорый быстро...Англо-русский словарь компьютерных терминов II
  43. fasta быстрый...Англо-русский словарь Лингвистика-98
  44. fastd быстро...Англо-русский словарь Лингвистика-98
  45. fastfast [fst] . nu постto break ones fast разговеться . vu поститьсяfast [fst] . au скорый быстрый fast train скорый поезд fast neutron физ.u быстрый нейтронfast track ж...Англо-русский словарь Мюллера
  46. fastmod sl . аморальный . совокупляющийся в осн. о животных...Англо-русский словарь непристойных выражений
  47. fastскорый стойкий прочный закреплнный гидроразрыв с использованием пара высокого давления...Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности
  48. astсокр. от Atlantic Standard Time атлантическое ньюйоркское поясное время...Англо-русский словарь общей лексики
  49. fastI . сущ. рел. пост а временное воздержание от некоторых видов пищи предписываемое различными религиями б период такого воздержания to observe a fast соблюдать пост a cl...Англо-русский словарь общей лексики
  50. astсокр. от asynchronous system trap асинхронная системная ловушка...Англо-русский словарь по компьютерам
  51. fastсокр. от Federation Against Software Theft Федерация по борьбе с программным пиратством...Англо-русский словарь по компьютерам
  52. fastбыстродействующий...Англо-русский словарь по компьютерам
  53. fastсокр. отu Federation against software theftЕвропейская Федерация защиты от хищений и несанкционированного использования программных продуктов...Англо-русский словарь по компьютерной безопасности
  54. fastFast Auroral Snapshot Explorer...Англо-русский словарь по космонавтике
  55. fastкрепжный элемент закреплнный фиксированный зафиксированный быстродействующий быстроходный быстрый устойчивый стабильный fast in operation быстродействующий...Англо-русский словарь по машиностроению и автоматизации производства
  56. fastстойкий прочный [lang nameEnglish]fast to lightstrong светопрочный светостойкий...Англо-русский словарь по пластикам
  57. fastВысокочувствительный о фотоплнке...Англо-русский словарь по полиграфии
  58. fastnпост голодовкаto be on protest fast проводить голодовку в знак протеста protest fast...Англо-русский словарь политической терминологии
  59. astатлантическое стандартное время...Англо-русский словарь редакция bed
  60. fastn. засов швартов причал пост штрек в угле говенье [церк.]...Англо-русский словарь редакция bed
  61. fastadv. прочно скоро крепко сильно стойко быстро часто...Англо-русский словарь редакция bed
  62. fastadj. скорый быстрый пост прочный крепкий твердый закрепленный фиксированный нелиняющий стойкий верный скорый быстрый неточный легкомысленный...Англо-русский словарь редакция bed
  63. fastv. поститься голодать говеть закрепить...Англо-русский словарь редакция bed
  64. fastкрепкий прочныйfast to light светостойкийАнглорусский строительный словарь. М. Русский Язык.С.Н.Корчемкина С.К.Кашкина С.В.Курбатова...Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов
  65. astadministrative state административное состояние. На административные состояния объекта может влиять оператор. Это состояния LOCKED блокирован SHUTTING DOWN выключается и ...Англо-русский словарь терминов GSM
  66. ast. active substrate trimming технология подгонки сопротивления. advanced simulation technology усовершенствованная техника моделирования. advanced surveillance technolog...Англо-русский словарь технических аббревиатур
  67. astfaerospace structures test facility центр испытаний авиационнокосмических конструкций ВВС США...Англо-русский словарь технических аббревиатур
  68. fast. facility for accelerated service testing стенд для ускоренных испытаний стенд для ускоренных эксплуатационных испытаний. facility for automatic sorting and testing ап...Англо-русский словарь технических аббревиатур
  69. fastбыстрый быстролетящий высокочувствительный компенсирующий жесткий скоростной скорый прочный стойкий закрепленный фиксированный прочно стойко быстро быстродействующий мало...Англо-русский технический словарь
  70. fastбыстрый скорый быстро...Англо-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию
  71. astAsynchronous System Trap асинхронное системное прерывание см. Atlantic Standard Time...Англо-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию
  72. astбирж. сокр. от automated screen trading австрийский шиллинг...Англо-русский экономический словарь
  73. fastIstrong.strong adjмцний твердий тривкийto take fast hold of smth. мцно вхопитися за щосьto make fast а закрпляти б замикати дверem.strong advмцно сильно тугоto be fast ...Англо-украинский словарь
  74. fastприскорений нерухомий про майноem fast estate fast track fast track ratification...Англо-украинский юридический словарь
  75. astдив. asynchronous system trap...Англо-український комп'ютерний словник
  76. fastшвидко мцно сильно швидкошвидко часточасто...Англо-український словник
  77. fast. n засув засувка запор window вконна засувка шпнгалет мор. швартов геол. перший твердий шар породи припай лд що примерз до берегв пст to observe the s додержувати ...Англо-український словник Балла М.І.
  78. fastМцний...Англо-український словник технічних термінів
  79. fastмцнийшвидкий швидко...Англо-український словник технічних термінів II
  80. fastприскорений нерухомий про майно fast estatefast trackfast track ratification...Англо-український юридичний словник
  81. fastсокр. от Federazione delle associazioni scientifiche e tecniche Федерация итальянских научнотехнических организаций Итальянорусский словарь....Большой итальяно-русский и русско-итальянский словарь
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  84. astm ветвь...Большой немецко-русский медицинский словарь
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  88. fastФксований мцний крпкий постйний сталий...Датсько-український словник
  89. ástaust f star stir любовь f st em leggja st vi en fella st til es полюбить когол. tkust gar stir me eim hjnum супруги стали жить в любви и согласии stin mn! любовь моя!...Исландско-русский словарь
  90. fástсм. f...Исландско-русский словарь
  91. astсокр. от aspartato aminotrasferasi аспартатаминотрансфераза...Итальянско-русский медицинский словарь
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  94. astв условном периодеem тогда к этом случае ast tibi templum voveo L если даруешь нам победу Беллона тогда я воздвигну тебе храм при дополнит. условииem и если si ego hic p...Латинско-русский словарь
  95. astast v. l.em adst...Латинско-русский словарь
  96. astm Ast des Hebers колено сифона в карсте...Немецко-русский геологический словарь
  97. astm...Немецко-русский математический словарь
  98. astm...Немецко-русский математический словарь
  99. astсокр. от Systemauslsetasteклавиша пуска системы кнопка пуска системы...Немецко-русский политехнический словарь
  100. astIstrong сокр. от Abfragestpselопросный штепсель сокр. от Amtsstelleтелефоннаяem станция...Немецко-русский политехнический словарь
  101. astm сучок сук ветвь ветвь кривой траектории absteigender Ast aufsteigender Ast loser Ast mrber Ast...Немецко-русский политехнический словарь
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  103. astmветвь жu ветка жu...Немецко-русский словарь медицинских растений
  104. fastadj infml He fell in with a fast crowd Он попал в довольно веселую компанию She runs around with a pretty fast bunch Она водит дружбу с весьма аморальными типами AmE ...Новый англо-русский словарь современной разговорной лексики
  105. fastIstrong .strong [fst] n . запор задвижкаdoor fast дверной засовwindow fast оконная задвижка шпингалет. мор. швартов. геол. первый тврдый слой породы. припай лд примрзши...Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  106. fastfast I . [fst] ni . запор задвижка door дверной засов window оконная задвижка шпингалет . мор. iшвартов . геол. iпервый тврдый слой породы . припай лд примрзший к бер...Новый большой англо-русский словарь II
  107. fastIstrong .strong fst n . запор задвижка door дверной засов window оконная задвижка шпингалет . мор. emшвартов . геол. emпервый тврдый слой породы . припай лд прим...Новый большой англо-русский словарь под общим руководством акад. Ю.Д. Апресяна
  108. fastIstrong adju крепкий прочный bli fast i isen застрять во льдах быть затртым льдамиbli fast ved упорствоватьgjre fast а прикрепить привязатьб мор.u пришвартоватьсяholde...Норвежско-русский словарь
  109. fastФксований мцний крпкий постйний сталий...Норвезько-український словник
  110. ăststa ti aste adj. dem. v. acestde ast dat на этот разast noapte сегодня ночьюastiarn в прбшлую _зйму....Румынско-русский словарь
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  112. fastClean fast is better than a dirty breakfast A Лучше беднее да честнее Л Лучше бедность да честность нежели прибыль да стыд Л Either a feast or a fast Разом густо разом ...Русско-английский словарь пословиц и поговорок
  113. astaststrong Yanalif астstrong Кириллица сущ.см. as II...Татарско-русский словарь Кашаева
  114. astподчиннный младший по званию...Турецко-русский словарь
  115. astастийский ярус...Чешско-русский словарь
  116. fastКрепкий прочный твердый...Шведско-русский словарь II
  117. fastfast.strong хотя jag gr det fast jag inte villхоть мне и не хочется я сделаю этоfast.strong крепкий fast tjnstпостоянная работа fasta normerпринятые нормы заведнный поряд...Шведско-русский словарь
  118. fastФксований мцний крпкий постйний сталий...Шведсько-український словник