Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь


ЗА ЧУЖОЙ ЩЕКОЙ ЗУБ НЕ БОЛИТ (saying) one does not or cannot feel the pain of another or truly empathize with his grief, misfortuneetc: - your neighbor' toothache can't (won't) hurt youwhen your tooth doesn't ache, you can't sympathize with another' aching toothwe can always bear our neighbors' misfortunesyour neighbor' burden is always light.

Да если б на Западе хоть расшумели б о моём романе, если б арест его стал всемирно-известен - я, пожалуй, мог бы и не беспокоиться, я как у Христа за пазухой мог бы продолжать свою работу. Но они молчали!.. За чужой щекою зуб не болит (Солженицын 2). If only someone in the West had raised an outcry, if the whole world had been told that my novel had been impounded, I should have been in clover, I could have gone on working without a care in the world. But they were silent!...Your neighbor's toothache won't hurt you (2a).