Ancient Egypt


Thutmose: translation

1) (fl. 1375 BC)
Royal prince. Eldest son of King Amenhotep III and presumably Queen Tiy. He held a senior position in the priesthood of Ptah at Memphis. Objects bearing his name have been found in the burial of the Apis bull in the Serapeum at Saqqara. He presumably died young since his father’s successor to the throne was his brother, Akhenaten.
See also Baketanen; Sitamun.
2) (fl. 1330 BC)
The name of a sculptor at Amarnawhose house has been excavated and in which important royal sculptures, notably busts of Queen Nefertiti, have been found. He is one of the few Egyptian artists whose works can be identified.
Historical Dictionary Of Ancient Egypt by Morris L. Bierbrier

  1. thutmoseЕгипетские фараоны Тутмос III XVIII династия и Рамсес II XIX династия чье правление приходится на период Нового царства до н.э. Если в период царствования Тутмоса III ...Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический словарь И. Мостицкого