Ancient Egypt


A town of the Ptolemaic Period and Roman Period in the southwest Fayum. Ancient T3-nbt-tn, modern Umm el-Baragat/ Breigat. It flourished from the 4th century BC to the early Arabic Period. The principal god of the town was Soknebtunis, a form of Sobek. It was excavated from 1899–1900 by British papyrologists on behalf of American heiress Mrs. Phoebe Hearst. Among the objects recovered were papyriand mummy portraits, all now housed in the Robert H. Lowie Museum of Anthropology at the University of California, Berkeley. It was later examined by Italian archaeologists from 1929–1935 and has been excavated by a joint Franco–Italian expedition since 1988.
See also Bacchias; Deir el-Naqlun; Gurob; Harageh; Hawara; Karanis; Kom Khelwa; Kom Talit; Lahun; Lisht; Medinet Madi; Soknopaiou Nesos.
Historical Dictionary Of Ancient Egypt by Morris L. Bierbrier