Ancient Egypt


The name of two high priests of Amun who flourished during Dynasty 21. Pinudjem I (fl. 1064–26 BC) was the son of Piankh, and he succeeded as high priest and governor of UpperEgypt during the reign of Nesbanebdjed. He was an effective ruler of the south and later took royal titles with the throne nameKhaheperre setepenamun. He was succeeded by his two sons, Masaharta and Menkheperre, and his two grandsons, Nesbanebdjed and Pinudjem II, who maintained Theban independence. The marriage links between the Theban family and the royal family of Dynasty 21 in Tanis are not always clear. His great-grandson, Pasebakhaenniut II, eventually became ruler of the entire country.
Historical Dictionary Of Ancient Egypt by Morris L. Bierbrier