Ancient Egypt


Philistines: translation

A people named the Peleset who formed part of the coalition known as the Sea Peoples who invaded Egypt during the reign of Ramesses III of Dynasty 20. Ramesses III claims that they were defeated and that he allowed them to settle in southern Canaan. They had likely already occupied the area, and he won a nominal pledge of allegiance from them that lapsed when the Egyptians withdrew from Canaan in late Dynasty 20. The Philistine cities were in constant conflict with their new neighbors, the Israelites, as indicated in the Bible. They were subsequently absorbed in the Babylonian, Persian, and later empires. Recent excavations in Ashdod and other Philistine sites have shown new light on the Philistine material culture, but their origins remain obscure. They gave their name to the larger area now known as Palestine.
Historical Dictionary Of Ancient Egypt by Morris L. Bierbrier

  1. philistinesPhilistines translation Philistines Inhabitants of the maritime plain of Palestine from the time of Judges onward dd Catholic Encyclopedia.Kevin Knight Philistines Phil...Catholic encyclopedia
  2. philistinesPhilistines translation Gen. R.V. but in A.V. Philistim a tribe allied to the Phoenicians. They were a branch of the primitive race which spread over the whole district ...Easton's Bible Dictionary
  3. philistinesобивател...Англо-український словник