Ancient Egypt


Pelusium: translation

Ancient Sjn or P3y-ir-Imn. Modern Tell Farama. Major town on Egypt’s eastern border in the 14th Upper Egyptian nome. It is attested from the Old Kingdom to the Arabic Period. Pelusium was the first destination of invaders across the Sinai desert, and its fall inevitably left the country open to such invaders as Alexander the Great. The town has not been fully investigated apart from rescue excavations by international teams in the 1990s. APolish expedition has been working in the area of the newly discovered theater since 2003.
Historical Dictionary Of Ancient Egypt by Morris L. Bierbrier

  1. pelusiumPelusium translation Pelusium Titular metropolitan see in Egypt mentioned in Ezekiel dd Catholic Encyclopedia.Kevin Knight Pelusium Pelusium Catholic_Encyclopediau ...Catholic encyclopedia
  2. pelusiumPlsium n. Пелузий укрепленный город в Нижнем Египте близ устья самого вост. рукава нильской дельты ныне Tineh Cs L PM...Латинско-русский словарь