Ancient Egypt


(reigned c. 924–889 BC)
Throne nameSekhemkheperre setepenre. Epithetmeryamun. Son of Sheshonq I of Dynasty 22 and Queen Karomama. He established a major fortress at PerSekhemkheperre. He is attested in close relations with the port of Byblos on the eastern Mediterranean coast. He married Maatkare, daughter of Pasebakhaenniut II, by whom he was the father of Sheshonq, whom he installed as high priest of Amunin succession to his brother, Iuput. This son wrote his name in a royal cartoucheand may be identified with the ephemeral king Sheshonq II.
See also Takelot I.
Historical Dictionary Of Ancient Egypt by Morris L. Bierbrier
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see Shoshenk I, Shoshenk II.
Biographical Dictionary of Ancient Egypt by Rosalie and Antony E. David