Ancient Egypt


Queen reign of Ramesses II, 1304-1237 BC.
Nothing is known of the background of Nefertari, but she was a member of the harem which *Sethos I presented to his heir, *Ramesses II, and she became one of his principal queens, accompanying him on royal occasions throughout much of his reign. She bore *Ramesses II several children, including his eldest son, Amenhir-wonmef, who later changed his name to Amen-hir-khopshef, although it was the son of another principal queen, Istnofret, who finally succeeded to the throne.
Nefertari appears in scenes in the temples at Luxor and Karnak, but her most famous monuments are the exquisitely decorated tomb in the Valley of the Queens at Thebes, and the rock-cut temple that *Ramesses II built for her, adjacent to his own temple at Abu Simbel.This temple, cut into the cliff, was dedicated to Hathor, the goddess of love and beauty, and the facade was decorated with sculptured figures of the king and queen and some of their children. *Ramesses II and Nefertari, accompanied by their daughter Meryetamun, probably made the long journey southwards to inaugurate these famous temples in Year 24 of the reign.
Nefertari also played a role in international diplomacy. The conclusion of a peace treaty between *Khattusilis III, the *Hittite king, and *Ramesses II was followed by a cordial correspondence between the royal families, and Nefertari exchanged letters and gifts (including jewels and royal garments) with the *Hittite queen Pudukhepa.
BIBL.Goedicke, H. and Thausing, G.Nofretari. . Graz: 1971; Kuentz, Ch. and Desroches-Noblecourt, C.Le Petit Temple d'Abou Simbel, Vol. 1. Cairo: 1968; Corzo, M.A. (ed.)Wall paintings of the tomb of Nefertari.EAO, Cairo and Malibu: 1987.
Biographical Dictionary of Ancient Egypt by Rosalie and Antony E. David
* * *
(fl. c. 1300–1255 BC)
Favorite wife of Ramesses II of unknown origin. She is represented in his temples at Abu Simbel and has her own magnificent tomb (QV66) in the Valley of the Queens. She had six children, including sons Amenherkhepeshef, Preherwenemef, Meryre, and Meryatum, and daughters Meritamun and Henttawy. She carried out diplomatic correspondence with Queen Puduhepa of the Hittites.
See also Bintanat; Henutmire; Isitnofret; Maathorneferure; Meritamun; Nebettawy.
Historical Dictionary Of Ancient Egypt by Morris L. Bierbrier