Ancient Egypt


Modern name for ancient Egyptian Mertem, where the earliest known true pyramid is located, although it was not originally designed as such. It was built as a step pyramid, but the steps were later filled in, although most of the filling has now collapsed. The pyramid has been attributed to Huni or his successor, Snefru. It is surrounded by the tombs of royal officials, including that of Prince Rahotep, which contained finely painted statues of him and his wife, Nefret, now housed in the Cairo Egyptian Museum, and Prince Nefermaat, who served as vizier. The site was examined by Auguste Mariette from 1871–1872, Flinders Petrie from 1890–1891 and 1909–1911, Alan Rowe from 1929–1932, an Egyptian expedition and later a Polish–Egyptian expedition that conserved the tombs from 1985–1988, and a Spanish expedition since 1996.
Historical Dictionary Of Ancient Egypt by Morris L. Bierbrier