Ancient Egypt


Daughter of King Akhenaten c.1379-1367 BC.
Maketaten was the second daughter of *Akhenaten and Queen *Nefertiti. She apparently died soon after Year 12 of *Akhenaten's reign. She was probably buried in the Royal Tomb at Amarna in a subsidiary suite of chambers, where the wall-scenes show the king and queen grieving as they stand at the side of her bier while, outside the death chamber a female figure (probably a nursemaid) holds a baby. These representations have caused much speculation, and it has been suggested that Maketaten may have died in childbirth and that *Akhenaten may have been the father of her child.
BIBL.Martin, G.T.The Royal Tomb at El-Amarna. London: 1974; Aldred, C.Akhenaten,King of Egypt. London: 1988.
Biographical Dictionary of Ancient Egypt by Rosalie and Antony E. David