Ancient Egypt


Lepsius, (Karl) Richard: translation

German Egyptologist. He was born in Naumburg, Germany, on 23 December 1810. He studied Egyptology in Paris and Germany. From 1842–1845, Lepsius was sent to Egypt with a Prussian expedition that collected antiquities for the Berlin Egyptian Museum, but he and his colleagues also took copious notes on and made drawings of standing monuments, which were later published in 12 volumes. In 1846, he was appointed professor at Berlin University and in 1855 vice director of the Berlin Museum, succeeding as director in 1865. Lepsius continued JeanFrancois Champollion’s research into ancient Egyptian grammar and helped perfect the understanding of the ancient language. He died in Berlin, Germany, on 10 July 1884.
Historical Dictionary Of Ancient Egypt by Morris L. Bierbrier