Ancient Egypt


Modern name for a site near the Fayum, also known as Illahun, where the pyramid complex of Senusret II of Dynasty 12 was built. At Kahun, a nearby site, the village for the workmen who constructed the pyramid was laid out and later used by the community of priests that served the royal cult. The area was excavated from 1889–1890 by Flinders Petrie, who discovered much material of daily life at Kahun, including papyri, and in the pyramid, he found jewelry belonging to Princess Sithathoriunet.
See also Bacchias; Deir el-Naqlun; Gurob; Harageh; Hawara; Karanis; Kom Khelwa; Kom Talit; Lisht; Medinet Madi; Soknopaiou Nesos; Tebtunis.
Historical Dictionary Of Ancient Egypt by Morris L. Bierbrier