Ancient Egypt


King c.2724-2703 BC.
Kha'sekhem may have been the immediate predecessor of the Second Dynasty king *Kha'sekhemui, or both names may refer to the same person. At Hieraconpolis, there are two distinct sets of monuments bearing these two names which seems to indicate that they were two separate rulers.
Items attributed to Kha'sekhem include two large stone bowls, two seated statues of slate and limestone (the latter is now in Oxford), and a fragmentary stela on which he is shown in conflict with the *Libyans.
BIBL.Quibell, J.E.Hierakonpolis. London: 1900-2; Newberry, P.E. The Set Rebellion of the Second Dynasty.Ancient Egypt(1922) pp 40-6; Emery, W.B.Archaic Egypt. Harmondsworth: 1972.
Biographical Dictionary of Ancient Egypt by Rosalie and Antony E. David