Ancient Egypt


Modern name for a cemetery site on the eastern edge of the Delta of Lower Egypt in theWadi Tumilat. The area was surveyed in 1983, and remains were identified from the Predynastic Period to the Graeco-Roman Period. Kafr Hassan Daoud was excavated by an Egyptian expedition from 1988–1995 and since 1995 by a British-Egyptian expedition, which has uncovered more than 1,000 graves from the Predynastic Period (Naqada II) to the Early Dynastic Period. These burial places contain pottery and stone vessels, and the names of the kings Narmerand Qaahave been identified.
See also Adaima; Gerzeh; Minshat Abu Omar; Tell el-Farkha; Tell Ibrahim Awad.
Historical Dictionary Of Ancient Egypt by Morris L. Bierbrier