Ancient Egypt


(fl. 1300–1245 BC)
Junior wife and queen of Ramesses II. He married her at the same time as Nefertari, and she bore his eldest daughter, Bintanat, as well as three sons, his second, Ramesses, his fourth, Khaemwese, and his 13th, Merenptah. She appears to have succeeded Nefertari as chief queen but died before her husband and was replaced by Bintanat. The name was also borne by princesses of Dynasty 19 and a later queen, wife of Merenptah, who may have been his niece, daughter of Khaemwese.
See also Henutmire; Henttawy; Maathorneferure; Meritamun; Nebettawy.
Historical Dictionary Of Ancient Egypt by Morris L. Bierbrier