Ancient Egypt


Decius: translation

Roman Emperor(AD 249-251.
In AD 249-50, Decius initiated the first severe persecutions of the Christians which occurred in Alexandria in AD 250; after this, the pressure lessened because of the new preoccupation with the Gothic war. Decius (honoured by the Roman Senate with the name Traianus) is shown as Pharaoh of Egypt in a wall-scene in the Temple of Khnum at Esna; his inscription here is the latest in the temple and is amongst the last hieroglyphic texts to have been discovered in Egypt. His name appears at Esna carved in a cartouche on the wall—the last time an Emperor is mentioned in an Egyptian temple inscription.
Biographical Dictionary of Ancient Egypt by Rosalie and Antony E. David

  1. deciusDecius translation Decius Roman Emperor dd Catholic Encyclopedia.Kevin Knight Decius Decius Catholic_Encyclopediau Decius CAIUS MESSIUS QUINTUS TRAJANUS DECIUS. Ro...Catholic encyclopedia
  2. deciusEmperor of Rome who was proclaimed emperor against his will His reign was notable for his severe persecution of Christians...Crosswordopener
  3. deciusn ч. мя Дшус Дсус....Англо-український словник Балла М.І.
  4. deciusa umДеций римск. nomen наиболее известны P. D. Mus участник й Самнитской войны L C etc. P. D. Mus сын предыдущего участник й Самнитской войны L C Sen etc....Латинско-русский словарь