Ancient Egypt


Caesar: translation

Roman Dictator 49-44 BC.
Gaius Julius Caesar, the most famous of all Roman rulers, was Dictator until 44 BC when he met his fateful end. He was a man of military and administrative genius; his most outstanding achievements included the conquest of Gaul, and from 49 BC he enjoyed considerable prestige at Rome, acquiring both royal and divine powers. From 48 to 45 BC, his campaigns took him to Pontus, Africa, Spain and Egypt, where he pursued Pompey who had become embroiled in the dynastic struggles at the Egyptian Court. Egypt was still an independent kingdom, ruled by the *Ptolemies, but it came increasingly under the influence of Rome.
Egypt's queen, *Cleopatra VII, had been ousted from the joint rulership of her country in favour of her brother, and she appealed to Caesar to restore her as the rightful ruler; she regained her throne and her brother was drowned in the Nile. Caesar remained in Egypt long enough to accompany *Cleopatra on a voyage along the Nile in 47 BC; their son, Ptolemy Caesarion, was eventually adopted as *Cleopatra's co-regent in 36 BC, and he is depicted with his mother in the reliefs on the south exterior wall of the temple at Denderah, where they stand before the divine triad of Hathor, her husband Horus of Edfu, and their son Ihy.
BIBL.Plutarch,Life of Caesar.
Biographical Dictionary of Ancient Egypt by Rosalie and Antony E. David
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See Iulius Caesar, Caius.
Historical Dictionary Of Ancient Egypt by Morris L. Bierbrier

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  6. caesarCaesar bersetzung Caeusar strong Beiname Cognomen eines Zweiges des rmischen Patriziergeschlechts der Julier. strong seit Augustus dem Adoptivsohn C. Iulius Caesars Be...Universal-Lexicon
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  26. caesar[siz] n. ист. Цезарь. цезарь римский император. император Священной Римской империи кайзер. библ. кесарьrender unto Caesar the things that are Caesars кесарево кесарю. с...Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  27. caesarCaesar [siz] ni . ист. iЦезарь . цезарь римский император . император Священной Римской империи кайзер . библ. iкесарь render unto the things that are s кесарево кесарю...Новый большой англо-русский словарь II
  28. caesarsiz n . ист. emЦезарь . цезарь римский император . император Священной Римской империи кайзер . библ. emкесарь render unto the things that are s кесарево кесарю . ...Новый большой англо-русский словарь под общим руководством акад. Ю.Д. Апресяна
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