Ancient Egypt


Modern name for the site in Middle Egypt containing the rock tombs of the nomarchs of the 16th nome of Upper Egypt and other officials dating to Dynasty 11 and Dynasty 12. One tomb is notable for the depiction of Asiatics who had traveled to Egypt. The site also contains a New Kingdom rock chapel dedicated by Hatshepsut and Thutmose III. The tombs were copied by an expedition from the Egypt Exploration Fund in 1890–1891.
See also Khnumhotep I; Khnumhotep II.
Historical Dictionary Of Ancient Egypt by Morris L. Bierbrier

  1. beni hasanBeni Hasan Bani Hasan Dorf in Obergypten am Ostufer des Nils mit bedeutenden Felsgrbern von Gaufrsten des Mittleren Reiches . Jahrhundert v. Chr. Die Wandmalereien und...Universal-Lexicon