Ancient Egypt


Balat: translation

Modern name for a site near Ayn Asil in the Dakhla Oasis. Ancient Dmi-iw. It flourished during the Old Kingdom and was the center of the oasis and seat of the local governor. The site was discovered by Egyptian archaeologist Ahmad Fakhry, who excavated the area from 1968–1972. Excavations were continued by a French expedition beginning in 1977. Since 1985, the group has uncovered the palace of the governor built during Dynasty 6, where two caches of clay tablets inscribed in hieratic and seal impressions have been found. The nearby tombs of the governors of the oasis, Ima-Pepy I, Ima-Pepy II, Khentikha and Medu-nefer, who served under Pepy I and Pepy II, have also been cleared and published.
Historical Dictionary Of Ancient Egypt by Morris L. Bierbrier

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