Ancient Egypt


Bacchias: translation

A town in the northeastern Fayum from the GraecoRoman Period. Modern Tell Umm et-Atl. It flourished from the 3rd century BC until the 4th century AD. The main templewas dedicated to the local god Soknobkonneus. It was excavated by British archaeologists briefly in 1896, and excavation work has been carried out by an Italian expedition since 1993. Remains of houses and papyrihave been discovered.
See also Deir el-Naqlun; Gurob; Harageh; Hawara; Karanis; Kom Khelwa; Kom Talit; Lahun; Lisht; Medinet Madi; Soknopaiou Nesos; Tebtunis.
Historical Dictionary Of Ancient Egypt by Morris L. Bierbrier