Ancient Egypt


(reigned c. 1427–1400 BC)
Throne nameAkheperure. Son of Thutmose IIIof Dynasty 18and MeryetreHatshepsut. He appears to have been named as coregent by his father and succeeded as sole ruler in 1425 BC. Upon his accession, he faced a revolt in his Asiatic domains, which he ruthlessly crushed, exhibiting the remains of the rebels as far south as Nubia. His inscriptions boast of his athletic prowess. He appears to have largely maintained the northern conquests of his father. Amenhotep II was buried in tombKV35in the Valley of the Kings, and his body was recovered from his tomb in 1898, along with the remains of other rulers who had been buried there in aroyal cache. His mortuary temple at Thebes is in ruins, but some foundation deposits have been recovered. It was excavated in 1896 by Flinders Petrie and since 1998 by an Italian expedition. He was succeeded by his son Thutmose IV and by the lady Tiaa.
Historical Dictionary Of Ancient Egypt by Morris L. Bierbrier