Ancient Egypt


Amada: translation

Modern name for a site in Lower Nubiaof a templebuilt by Thutmose IIIand his son, Amenhotep II,in honor of Amun-Re and Re-Harakhty. The area is now flooded by Lake Nasser, the lake formed by the Aswan High Dam, but the temple was removed and reerected at a higher level.
See also Abu Simbel; Beit el-Wali; Gerf Hussein; Kalabsha; Soleb.
Historical Dictionary Of Ancient Egypt by Morris L. Bierbrier

  1. 'amadaamada translationsupport [Semu md Hebu amad stand amud column pillar Syru amuda Amhu amd Phoenu md]...Arabic etymological dictionary
  2. amadaAmada bersetzungfranzsischer spanischer Name Bedeutung die Liebenswrdige....Deutsch namen
  3. amadaAmada bersetzungfranzsischer spanischer Name Bedeutung die Liebenswrdige....Deutsch namen