American Church Dictionary and Cyclopedia


Word, The: translation

The name given to our Blessed Lord by St. John in the beginning of his Gospel, to set forth the preexistence and Divinity of the Son of God and the creation of the world by Him. Pearson on the Creed makes the following comment: "The Jews were constantly taught that the Word of God was the same with God, and that by that Word all things were made. And therefore, St. John delivered so great a mystery so briefly, as speaking to those who at once understood him. Only what they knew not was that this Word was made Flesh, and that this Word made Flesh was Jesus Christ." The Greek for "The Word" isLogos.

  1. word, theWord The translation Gr. Logos one of the titles of our Lord found only in the writings of John John John Rev. . As such Christ is the revealer of God. His office is t...Easton's Bible Dictionary