American Church Dictionary and Cyclopedia


Refreshment Sunday: translation

The Fourth Sunday in Lent is so called from the Gospel for the day, which relates the feeding of the five thousand by our Lord in the wilderness. As the late Bishop Coxe pointed out in his "Thoughts on the Services," "having thus far (in the Lenten services) considered the havoc of sin, we come now to consider its repair; and because the sufficiency of Christ to refresh and satisfy our hunger and thirst after righteousness is exhibited in the Gospel for this day. It has little of the austere character of the other Sundays in Lent; and its design is the encouragement of catechumens and penitents."
See Fourth Sunday in Lent; also Lent, Sundays in.)

  1. refreshment sundayцерк. воскресенье пропитания четвртое воскресенье великого поста [Lent] в этот день в церквах читают евангельское предание о насыщении пяти тысяч человек несколькими хлеб...Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь Великобритания