American Church Dictionary and Cyclopedia


Nonconformists: translation

A name given in England to those who do not conform to the usages and doctrines of the National Church. The word as used now is practically synonymous withDissenter.

  1. nonconformistsNonconformists translation Nonconformists Denotes those refusing to conform with the authorized formularies and rites of the Established Church of England. dd Catholic E...Catholic encyclopedia
  2. nonconformistsнонконформисты секты отделившиеся от англиканской церкви [Church of England] и не признающие е власти напр. баптисты [Baptists] методисты [Methodists] пресвитериане [Pres...Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь Великобритания