American Church Dictionary and Cyclopedia


Intermediate State: translation

Death is a separation of the soul and body; the body becoming lifeless and eventually decomposing into dust, the soul continuing to live as truly as ever. What becomes of the living soul when thus separated from the body by death?
"Our Lord," says the Rev. J. H. Blunt, "has answered this question to a certain extent by the Parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man (St. Luke 16:19-31). By that Parable He has taught us that the living souls of the departed live in a condition of happiness or misery suitable to the judgment which the all-seeing eye of God has passed upon their lives; the good Lazarus at rest in 'Abraham's Bosom,' the wicked Dives 'in torments.' At the same time our Lord has clearly revealed by His own words and those of His Apostles that there will be a general judgment at the last day, when all, good and bad, will have to stand before the Throne of God, not as bodiless souls, but with soul and body. And further, the Book of Revelation follows up the words of Christ and His Apostles with some very distinct disclosures as to theincreasedhappiness of the good and theincreasedmisery of the wicked after the final and open award of the Judge has been given in the general Judgment. The separate existence of the soul between death and the Judgment Day is, therefore, called theIntermediate State!"
See Hades, also Descent into Hell.

  1. intermediate stateпромежуточное состояние...Англо-русский физический словарь
  2. intermediate stateпромежуточное состояние...Англо-русский научно-технический словарь
  3. intermediate stateпромежуточное состояние...Англо-русский словарь компьютерных терминов
  4. intermediate stateпромежуточное состояние...Англо-русский словарь по компьютерам
  5. intermediate stateпромежуточное состояние...Англо-русский технический словарь