American Church Dictionary and Cyclopedia


The service in the Prayer Book entitled, "An Office of Institution of Ministers into Parishes or Churches." Canon 18, Title I of the Digest requires "that on the election of a Minister into any Church or Parish, the Vestry shall notify the Bishop of such election, in writing; and if the Minister be a Priest, the Bishop may, if requested by the Vestry to do so, institute him according to the Office established by this Church." If the institution is to take place, the Bishop issues an official letter, called, "The Letter of Institution," in which he gives and grants unto the duly elected Rector his license and authority to perform the Office of a Priest in the parish, stating name and place. The Rector is then duly instituted according to the service set forth, either by the Bishop himself, or by a Priest appointed by him, in which the Letter of Institution is read; God's blessing invoked on the newly appointed Rector and his work; the keys of the Church are given him by the Wardens; a sermon is preached on the duties of Pastor and People by some one appointed by the Bishop, and the Holy Eucharist is celebrated by the newly instituted Minister. After the Benediction, it is directed that, the Wardens, Vestry and others shall salute and welcome him, bidding him Godspeed. By the wording of the Canon this service is not obligatory and adds nothing to the contract or agreement already made between the Minister and Vestry. The service, therefore, is not often used, although it would be desirable that every Pastorate should be thus inaugurated.