American Church Dictionary and Cyclopedia


Ash Wednesday: translation

The first day of Lent; one of the two absolute Fast Days of the Church, the other being Good Friday. In ancient times the first day of Lent was calledCaput Jejunii,i.e., "Head of the Fast," because Lent began on that day. It was also calledDies Cinerum,i.e., "Day of Ashes," from the custom of placing ashes on the head of penitents who presented themselves before the Bishop on this day. Ash Wednesday is a day of deep devotion, of prayer, fasting, self-examination and confession of sin. The public services are most solemn; the Proper Lessons, and Proper Psalms, the Collect, Epistle and Gospel, together with the Penitential Office to be especially used on this day, all mark it as a day of "weeping, fasting and praying." The Psalms appointed are the seven Penitential Psalms, viz., the 6th, 32d, and 38th, used at Morning Prayer; the 51st used in the Penitential Office, and 102d, 130th and 143d read at Evening Prayer. (See PENITENTIAL PSALMS.) The Church color for Ash Wednesday is purple or violet.

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  11. ash wednesdaywenzd церк. пепельная среда день покаяния первый день великого поста в англиканской церквиem...Новый большой англо-русский словарь под общим руководством акад. Ю.Д. Апресяна