A Popular Dictionary of Shinto


'Great Mountain sect'. Also known as Mitake-kyo. A religious movement recognised as a Shinto sect (see Kyoha Shinto) in 1882. It was organised in the first half of the nineteenth century by Shimoyama, Osuke as a devotional association to encourage the ritual ascent of Mt. Mitake, popularly known as ontake-san ('Great Mountain'), in central Japan, site of a long-standing tradition of mountain worship. Devotees aim to achieve purity of heart and contribute to the spiritual stability of the nation. The object of worship is Ontake okami (the great kami of Ontake) whose will is invoked as an explanation of good and bad fortune. As well as participating in possession and healing, believers practice ascetic rites such aschinka-shikiandkugatachi-shikiand other divination and breathing practices.