A Popular Dictionary of Shinto


Miki: translation

The special name forsake(rice wine) when prepared in various special ways, at some shrines in a special sakadono or sake-hall, and offered to the kami (see Shinsen). It is drunk by the participants at the close of a ceremony as part of thenaorai'feast' to receive themi-itsuof the kami.

  1. mikiMiki bersetzungjapanischer Name Bedeutung Stamm Name der Aborigines Bedeutung Mond.japanischer Name Bedeutung Stamm australischer Name Aborigine Mond....Deutsch namen
  2. miki[\Mikit \Mikije] Mikls becz alakja Коля magyar Мики...Венгерско-русский словарь
  3. mikiMiki Женское и мужское имя Стебелек. Японские имена. Словарь значений....Словарь личных имен
  4. mikiЖенское и мужское имя Стебелек....Японские имена